What Are Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas?
Nearly every client we speak with request’s a ‘low maintenance’ landscape, but it means a wide range of things to different people and can be approached in many different ways. Here are 4 common questions and answers that will help you design and maintain a low-maintenance landscape with the help of our expert Healdsburg landscapers.
What is the Best Way to Avoid Weeds in a Landscape?
Overwatering is a leading cause of uncontrollable weeds in a landscape. Convert overhead spray to drip irrigation, check all irrigation to ensure there aren’t leaks, and program your irrigation so the run times are short enough that you have minimal run off.
To do this, run your irrigation zone, set a timer, and watch the emitters. Once the water begins to pool up on the surface and run away from the base of the plants, stop your timer. This is the amount of time you should run your station and one of the most important questions for new landscape care. If you need to run a station for 1 hour per day to get a plant the amount of water it needs, and the point of run off is at 20 minutes, break that into three different start times per day to total 60 minutes. Space those start times out with a break of approximately 1 hr to allow the soil to fully absorb the water before applying more.
When water is applied to open areas of the landscape via overhead spray, leaks, or runoff, it creates prime conditions for weeds to thrive. No matter what you do, there will be weed seeds blowing into your garden, however limiting the conditions they thrive in (meaning open sun and moist ground) will reduce the amount of those seeds that germinate.
What Shrubs Require the Least Amount of Pruning?
Shrubs that are given enough room to grow to their full size without hitting a barrier like a house, fence, or other plant, will require the least amount of pruning. This might sound counterintuitive because the assumed answer would be a plant that stays small and grows slowly. However even those shrubs will require pruning if they are over crowded with nearby plants or obstacles. For lawn care made easy, an essential part of low maintenance landscape design is understanding how large a plant wants to be at mature size and giving it enough room to reach its full expression. It’s tempting to crowd plants together to fit in all your favorites but beware, this is a hallmark mistake of over planting leading to high maintenance needs.
What is the Most Low Maintenance Landscaping?
Rock gardens and cactus gardens are clear choices for Healdsburg landscapers as rock’s don’t grow, and cactus grow very slowly. Additionally these styles can help you conserve water like a pro as neither will require much if any water, reducing the chance of weed seed germination. Rock and cactus gardens can be incredibly beautiful with a creative designer who understands color, texture, size, and shape dynamics. However don’t assume this means zero maintenance, even rock and cactus gardens have weeds that pop up once in a while.
What is the Most Low Maintenance Tree?
Slow growing evergreen trees, particularly coniferous trees, are some of the lowest maintenance plants as they don’t drop leaves, require little water, and tend to grow slowly. When given ample space, an evergreen tree provides privacy, shade, and a lush feel with near zero maintenance except the occasional removal of dead branches.
Get a Low-Maintenance Landscape with Inspired Landscapes
Don’t let a busy schedule keep you from enjoying a beautiful garden. Let Inspired Landscapes help you design the perfect hassle-free outdoor space that fits your style and budget. With a professional consultation from our expert Healdsburg landscapers you can transform your yard. Contact Inspired Landscapes or give us a call today at (707) 395-7474 for a free consultation!